Adventures of an Autistic Adult

Posts Tagged ‘Knoxvile

First, I wanted to give a quick update. Milan is now in Knoxville going on job interviews and exploring the city. She also said she will be looking for cheaper places, which I am a little concerned about. It would be about $400 each for us if we took the Kingston Pointe place, and that does not include all of the utilities (Lauren, PLEASE don’t bail on us), but we are also getting September free and a good amount of amenities. I am assuming they will talk to me before making a decision. To be honest, unless a killer deal in a great location comes my way, I am going to stick to my guns. I admire Milan for looking, but I seriously doubt she will find anything. I won’t be making that much money either, but the price we have is a lot cheaper than what we would be getting here in Florida for a crappy place. Let’s just pray that all this works out. The worst part is that I totally understand why she’s doing this. I am just uncomfortable moving into a place I have not seen yet. All three of us saw this place and liked it. I don’t know. I guess I ‘ll have to see what happens. I’m leaving in a week! Can you believe it?!?!

In this installment of “Sara Groves: The Soundtrack to My Life,” I will be showing you a song that is pretty much self-explanatory. As I step into adulthood, this is what I will be striving for.

My Achives
